When I grow Up, I wanna Work In Advertising

Vídeo antiguinho, mas bem “fofinho” pra publicar no dias das crianças 😉

When I grow up, I want to work in Advertising
Be forced to work 10 hours a day, 12 hours a day, 14 hours a day
I want to work like a dog and bust my ass for a fifteen hundred dollar raise

When I grow up, I want to be an Account Coordinator
A go-fer
Get coffee and donuts
And sit in client meetings and contribute absolutely nothing

When I grow up I want to be a Media Director
A buyer
A planner
And have my ass kissed by every media rep on the face of the earth

When I grow up I want to be a Creative Director
Have a big head
Save all the great TV projects for myself
And by washed up by the time I’m forty

When I grow up I want to be a Web Designer
A freak
Use terms nobody understands
And convince myself that I’m no longer the geek I was in high school

When I grow up I want to pitch New Business
Fill out mindless RFP’s
Do lots of spec creative
And not be paid a goddamn dime for any of it

When I grow up I want to be a Copywriter
A hack.
An egomaniac
And lay awake at night, writing the great American novel that will never get published

When I grow up I want to be an Art Director
Wear black clothes
Smoke a lot of dope
And always pout when I don’t get my way

When I grow up I want to be in Agency Management
Tell people what to do
Get away with having a bad temper
And be so far removed from the day-to-day business that I need a crain to pull my bloated head out of my ass.

When I grow up I want to work in Accounting
Be a receptionist
Work in HR
And be considered as nothing more than agency overhead

When I grow up I want to be Production Manager
Go on press checks
Become an expert in trash and trinkets
And point the finger somewhere else, every time something goes wrong

When I grow up I want to be an Account Executive
A kiss-up
I want to write off time
And lose any hint of a back bone, every time you step into a client meeting

When I grow up I want to own My Own Agency
Get a corner office
See my name on the door
And have people wonder what I do all day long

When I grow up I want to be a Producer
Have big budgets
No budgets
Pretend I’m Cecil B. DeMille

When I grow up I want to Work in Advertising
Be in the ONE SHOW
I want to win an ADDY and be the envy of all my friends

Agência: Meyocks Group
Ano: 2006


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